Personal Information

Name: Esther Anyona

Age: 31

Adress: 20656-00200, Nairobi


Cell Phone: +254724374477

Gender: Female

Core Competencies

I am exceptionally skilled in web development, google analytics, branding, UI/UX design and Seach Engine Optimization.


2021-2022: Moringa School - Software Development

2014-2019: University of Nairobi - Geospatial Engineering

2010-2013: Nyabururu Girls - KCSE

Work Experience

2018-2020: EverthingTech - Designing and building projects for clients

2017-2018: Small World Venture - Digital marketer

The L Generation: Worked as a business anlyst and communication specialist

Interests, Hobbies and Skills

I love nature. The outside environment gives me inspiration especially for designs. Through nature, I believe our minds have no limitation on what they can achieve.