Creating Memories Through Photography

This website is just a simple display of a collection of some of my favorite photographs. Photography is a way of feeling, touching and loving through the camera lens of a photographer. Images provide more details than words - they help us remember the little details. Photography reminds us of life's seasons; happy or sad. Photographs play an important role in everyone’s life – they connect us to our past, they remind us of people, places, feelings, and stories. Read More

The following are some of the categories of my collection;

  1. Family Album
  2. Man by nature is a social being. The family is the basic unit that depicts this character. Keeping photographs that remind you of the wonderful or sad moments throughout your life helps one appreciate life changes. For this album, I have included the following pics;

  3. Nature Album
  4. This has a collection of photos depicting different times/seasons to portray the beauty of our natural environment. These sceneries provide people with calming effects. Stressed out? go for a nature walk through the woods, relax at the beach or watch the sunset. It has;

  5. Animals Album
  6. Ever heard the saying that "a dog is man's most loyal friend"? Well, pets enrich our lives in many ways. This album has two classes;

Location We are located in the universe

Reach us through +254754877311

"You can't control karma, but you can control your smile on the camera"